Category: Nets

March 05, 2022 – State of Ready – Difference Between Preparedness, Readiness and Self-Reliance

Net Control – N0KMO N0KMO – Lots of good things happening in the preparedness industry. Someone asked me what is the difference between preparedness and readiness? I did a bit of research. Preparedness – Every day, I make an effort to be in a preparedness attitude for disasters and other …

February 26, 2022 – Building Inventory and Equipment List – Survival and Defense Tools for the Shelter

Net Control – K0STR K0STR – The first thing I want to discuss is archery. Any comments about using archery weapons? KF0CSK – Archery is a skill that takes a lot of practice, if you’re not in practice, don’t bother with archery. K0STR – You are absolutely correct on that. …

February 19, 2022 – Supplies and Equipment List – Tools to Have On-Hand

Net Control – K0STR K0STR – Building our equipment list and equipment and knowing what we have. First we’ll talk about power tools, then hand tools. Most of us already have some in stock, seems like there are always things that I need that I don’t have. You can never …

February 05, 2022 – Layered Radio Communications Plans

Net Control – N0KMO N0KMO – Layered radio comm plans, this is an idea that has been out there for a while. Layering your preparedness is useful for many areas a preparedness, security, bags, etc. My work bag doubles has the start of my get home bag. My truck has …

January 15, 2022 – Supply Equipment Lists and Inventory – Food and Water

Net Control – K0STRK0STR – Encourage to get a binder and fill it with lists of your supplied. Today we’re going to talk about food and water. Something to quickly check off what we have and what we need and rotations. Want to start talking about food. A couple things …

January 01, 2022 – Basics, Inventory Management, Stashing and Stacking

Net Control – N0KMO N0KMO – Start talking about first what to prepare for. The most common question in preparedness is “What do I prepare for?” How do you prepare for something like a fire? Also tornado preparedness. So what do you prepare for? I look at the likelihood of …